In the early summer of 2013, KASHIWA Daisuke finally made his debut as a film music composer with the animation “Koto no Ha no Niwa (The Garden of Words)”, directed by Makoto Shinkai. And now, KASHIWA Daisuke will be re-releasing from noble “april.#02” (2006), his first album that is the origin of his image-arousing music and had been out of print from his former label; all songs are remixed and remastered by KASHIWA Daisuke himself with a new jacket.
his first album “april.#02” was released from the German label “onpa” in 2006. The album is uniquely characterized by a combination of classical, lyrical melody and extreme editing and noise. The album is not only his maiden work, but also a monumental masterpiece that even the renown composer Ryuichi Sakamoto eulogizes.
The title song of the album, “april.#02”, is a pleasant quarrel between the elegant melody of piano and strings, and breakcore-like beat and editing. The song is a full 25-minutes of dynamic repetition of harmony and destruction that vigorously arouses the listeners’ catharsis and the monumental work of KASHIWA Daisuke. The new release is fully remixed and remastered by KASHIWA Daisuke, and is full of the roughness of early intention, along with a stoic composition. The resolution of his sound has improved, the power of expression has become enriched, and the strength as a work of music has become stronger than ever.
We hope you enjoy the origin as well as the refinement of the renewed, re-released maiden work of KASHIWA Daisuke, “april.#02”.
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